July 21, 2023

Congresswoman Torres Passes Amendment to Help Veterans Get Jobs Post-Discharge

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) last week successfully passed an amendment to direct the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to study how the agencies can create straightforward pathways to employ veterans post-discharge.

“Our servicemembers have a sworn duty to defend our nation, and Congress in turn has a duty to support our veterans when they come home. The number-one issue I hear from Inland Empire veterans is their inability to get accreditation in the civilian world for the work they performed while on military duty. My amendment, which allows servicemembers trained in mechanics or other special skills to transfer those skills to civilian life, is a common-sense solution to one of the biggest challenges our veterans face. I thank my colleagues for supporting this amendment to ensure our veterans have the good-paying jobs they need to support their families and strengthen our economy," said Congresswoman Torres.

Specifically, the Congresswoman’s amendment requires the DoD and VA to study the feasibility of transferring servicemembers’ professional certifications, like airplane mechanics, from military to civilian life and submit their policy recommendations to Congress. By removing barriers to professional certification — including test and training fees — the Congresswoman’s amendment streamlines veterans’ post-discharge adjustment to civilian life.

As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, Congresswoman Torres helps to oversee all federal funding. She included her Enrique Roman-Martinez Military Cold Case Justice Act, which improves military cold case investigations and delivers justice for the families of fallen servicemembers, in the 2023 government funding bill. The Congresswoman secured additional funding for military cold case training in this year’s House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee funding bill.