Congresswoman Torres Condemns Republican Budget that Will Hurt Working Families in Californias 35th Congressional District
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35), a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee charged with overseeing all federal discretionary funding, issued a statement following the vote on H.Con.Res.14, a budget resolution that would allow the reconciliation process and Republicans to enact tax cuts for the wealthy, and cut programs that will take away resources for families, veterans, and senior citizens.
“This budget resolution is a direct attack on working families, veterans, and our senior citizens,” said Congresswoman Torres. “It gives a green light for Republicans to push through unnecessary tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, at the cost of $4.5 trillion, while slashing over $1.5 trillion from vital programs like Medi-Cal and food assistance. This isn't just bad policy, it's a betrayal for the American people and working families trying to make ends meet. The bill will hurt the lives of millions of Americans across the country, and hundreds of thousands of Americans in my district. Democrats are opposed to this scam because we must protect our future and the most vulnerable among us.”
According to Covered California, more than 330,000 residents in California’ 35th Congressional District use Medi-Cal, nearly 45 percent of all residents.