December 02, 2017

Torres Statement on Passage of Senate Tax Bill

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Norma J. Torres (D-CA) released the following statement regarding the Senate tax bill:

"Republicans in the Senate just passed their latest toxic version of the tax bill. It's unfathomable to me that the GOP has chosen to move forward with this bill when Americans overwhelmingly oppose it.

This tax scam will raise taxes on millions of middle class families making less than $75K, while cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy; increase the deficit by $1.5 trillion, while cutting Medicare & Medicaid; and, among others, will give new tax breaks to companies that ship American jobs overseas that could go to residents of the Inland Empire instead.

The average income in my district is $57,159—I will not support a bill that doesn't make economic sense for the Inland Empire, and I will vote NO when it comes before the House."
