December 14, 2017

Torres Statement on FCC Ruling

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Norma J. Torres (D-CA) released the following statement in response to the Federal Communications Commission vote on net neutrality:

"The FCC's vote on Thursday is an attack on small businesses and everyday consumers that simply cannot afford to pay higher prices for faster internet speeds. In a time when most people are beginning to use the internet as their main source of communication, we should be working to ensure that broadband companies do not take advantage of consumers.

Republicans are quick to state that this will help increase accessibility by promoting competition among internet service providers, but how can that be true in a field controlled by a handful of telecom conglomerates whose only interest is to increase their profits? This is nothing more than a gift to multi-billion dollar companies at the expense of middle class families and small businesses like those in the heart of my district.

Open access to the internet—free from over-pricing and intervention by internet service providers—is fundamental in ensuring fairness and equal access to information, education, innovation, and economic growth for all."