December 16, 2022

Torres, CAPAC Members Commemorate International Migrants Day

Washington, D.C. — Sunday, December 18 marks International Migrants Day, which recognizes the important contribution of migrants while highlighting the challenges they face. In the United States, approximately two-thirds of Asian Americans and one-sixth of Pacific Islanders are foreign-born. To commemorate the upcoming day, CAPAC Members released the following statements:

Rep. Norma Torres (CA-35):

"As we mark International Migrants Day, we must take this opportunity to reflect on how we can build a better and more just world for all. No one should ever have to be forced to migrate for their own safety and future, yet across the globe each day, millions are struggling to find a place to call home. Today and every day, I celebrate the strength and resiliency of migrants."

CAPAC Chair Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27):

"Our nation's diversity is one of our greatest strengths. We know a large majority of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) in the United States are either immigrants or descendants of immigrants, with Asian Americans accounting for 27 percent of the U.S. foreign-born population. Additionally, Southeast Asian refugees represent the largest refugee community ever to be resettled in the United States. Our immigrant communities play a significant part in helping us build a better and brighter future. Unfortunately, immigrants often face barriers to entering our country, as well as other struggles such as economic and social barriers once they are living here. Disturbingly, over the past two years, we have seen racist and xenophobic hate directed at Asian Americans increase at an alarming rate.

CAPAC is committed to seeking permanent solutions to create a clear pathway to citizenship for all immigrants in our country. We are also committed to ensuring everyone has opportunities to learn about the history, contributions, and hardships of AAPI immigrant communities. I believe this is one of the most powerful ways to combat the anti-Asian hate and xenophobia that our communities are facing."

CAPAC First Vice-Chair Rep. Grace Meng (NY-06):

"This Sunday, we recognize International Migrants Day—a day to reaffirm our commitment to treating migrants with dignity and respect. America has always been a safe haven for migrants and a nation built by migrants. The way we treat migrants—especially the young and innocent children who arrive at our doorstop—is a reflection of who we are as a country. That is why I am fighting to make our immigration system welcoming and inclusive for the hundreds of thousands of people who come here every year for their shot at the American dream. Immigrants make up the very fabric of the United States, enriching and strengthening our communities. I urge Congress to pass my landmark New Deal for New Americans Act to ensure we are devoting the necessary resources to supporting those who wish to become New Americans."

CAPAC Whip Rep. Ted Lieu (CA-33):

"This Sunday is International Migrants Day, an opportunity to recognize the contributions of migrants to our global society. Migrants face considerable challenges, whether it be conflict, instability, or the impacts of climate change, while seeking security and support for themselves and their families. Despite these barriers, migrants are consistently leaders in innovation and development all over the world. America, a nation of immigrants, has a duty to uplift and empower migrants at every opportunity. We remain committed to crafting immigration policy that honors the dignity of all persons."

CAPAC Immigration Task Force Co-Chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal (WA-07):

"We mark International Migrants Day as a moment to reflect on the amazing contributions of our immigrant communities, and to reaffirm our commitment towards creating a more just, more compassionate, and more humane immigration system that works for all. As a proud immigrant myself, one of just two dozen naturalized citizens to have ever served in Congress, and as someone who fought tirelessly for immigrants and refugee rights before coming to serve in the House, I understand how crucial it is that we reform our immigration system, that we provide pathways to citizenship, and that we continue honoring the moral fiber of our country by opening our arms to welcome people fleeing war, hunger, and economic devastation."

Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01):

"People migrating to the United States are often fleeing war, violence, climate crisis-fueled disasters, or discrimination because of who they are or who they love. As a nation, we should welcome immigrants and treat everyone with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, our country has been falling short of these fundamental principles, particularly under the policies of the last administration. On International Migrants Day, I join my CAPAC colleagues in renewing our commitment to building a just and humane immigration system."

Rep. Katherine Clark (MA-05):

"Migration happens for any number of reasons. Be it climate change or conflict, those pursuing a better life deserve to be met with respect. This International Migrants Day, let us recommit to expanding safer pathways for the 300 million migrants worldwide and defend the rights and dignity of all."