December 12, 2020

Torres Cancels Weekend Appearances in Light of Coronavirus Spike

POMONA – Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) today announced that she will refrain from participating in Christmas events in Chino and Pomona this weekend in light of spiking coronavirus cases across the Inland Empire.

Rep. Torres released the following statement:

"I deeply regret that I will not be attending holiday season events this weekend as I had originally planned," Rep. Torres said. "I look forward to these events all year – sharing the spirit of the holiday season with my community is truly an honor. Unfortunately, I cannot in good conscience join public festivities at a time when it is so important to socially distance. Intensive Care Units across the Inland Empire are all at or near full capacity as a result of Covid-19, and medical professionals are counting on every one of us to help stop the spread of this deadly virus. If doing my part means sending my holiday greetings from afar, it's the least I can do to be a part of the solution. I cannot wait to celebrate with our community in person next year, but for now, I'm wishing everyone a happy, safe and healthy holiday season this year."
