June 05, 2015

Torres Appointed to Mexico-US Interparliamentary Group

WASHINGTON, DC – Speaker John A. Boehner (R-OH) has appointed Rep. Norma J. Torres (D-Pomona) to the Mexico-U.S. Interparliamentary Group, the official dialogue mechanism between the United States Congress and the Mexican government.

"As a Member of the Homeland Security Committee, I look forward to further ensuring trust and mutual cooperation on issues related to our shared border, migration, and transnational crime," said Torres. "But this goes much further than national security. Not only is Mexico our nation's third largest trading partner, they are California's main trading partner and the largest market for California-made goods. The economic growth and prosperity of not just the U.S., but especially of California, are inextricably linked to Mexico."

The Mexico-U.S. Interparliamentary Group has been meeting since 1961. The group serves to bolster the bilateral relationship between the two countries and increase opportunities for both their citizens.

"Representing a district with thousands of Mexican-Americans, from recent arrivals to families who have been in this country for generations, I see every day the unique ties between our two countries and the importance of maintaining open lines of communication on areas of shared interest and concern," said Torres. "I look forward to working with the group to continue to build a strong, mutually beneficially partnership between our two nations."

In addition to Rep. Torres, the following Members of Congress were also appointed to the Mexico-U.S. Interparliamentary Group: Rep. Linda T. Sánchez (D-CA), Rep. Gene Green (D-TX), Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colorado), and Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX).
