July 21, 2024

Statement of Congresswoman Norma Torres on President Joe Biden

ONTARIO - Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) issued the following statement on President Joe Biden's decision to not seek re-election:

President Joe Biden has been one of the most consequential and pivotal forces in American politics for over 50 years - his announcement today, however heartbreaking, further cements his legacy as a man of the highest caliber of character who has always put America first.

We are forever indebted to him for his profound and selfless leadership and love of country.

In his 36 years in the Senate, President Biden authored historic legislation, like the Violence Against Women Act to tackle domestic abuse. As Vice President, he worked tirelessly with me to address the root causes of migration and to tackle deeply-rooted elements of corruption throughout Latin America and the world. As President, he has created more jobs than any other president in U.S. history, saved our economy after the botched response of his predecessor to COVID-19, and secured the largest investment in our nation's infrastructure and the climate crisis.

In short - President Biden represents the very spirit of America: compassionate, enduring, and humble.

In passing the torch, a new path is opened for a new generation of leadership - and it will be incumbent for all Americans to rise above the partisan divide and unite to build a better future for us all.

With hearts full, we thank President Biden for his legacy of leadership.
