March 08, 2024

Statement from Congresswoman Torres on the Conviction of Juan Orlando Hernandez

Washington, DC — Congresswoman Norma Torres (CA-35) – a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, member of the Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, and Co-Chair of the Congressional Central American Caucus – issued the following statement following the conviction of former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández:

“The people of Honduras deserve justice and a country free of corrupt, authoritarian cheats like Juan Orlando Hernández – a failed strongman whose ascent to power was driven by the desire for personal enrichment rather than the wellbeing and economic security of the Honduran people. Today’s conviction does not undo the devastating toll that years of corruption have wrought on the people of Honduras and the region, nor the lasting harm of an unchecked drug and arms trafficking industry. Nonetheless, today’s conviction marks an important step towards justice, accountability, and law & order.”

“This conviction is a victory for the people of Honduras: a demonstration that in the end corrupt leadership will never prevail. Juan Orlando Hernández facilitated a narco-state causing millions – in the region and the United States – lasting suffering and economic instability due to his greed. Those victims deserve restitution. Still, today’s arrest and conviction of Hernández should serve as a critical reminder to all, that no one is above the law and that justice will ultimately be served.”

“Though today’s conviction is worth celebrating, no man acts alone. Despite bipartisan and multilateral efforts I helped lead, the last several Honduran presidents enabled the same rampant narcotics and arms trafficking throughout the Americas. I stand with the Honduran people in their fight to uphold the rule of law and root out corruption and I urge the Biden Administration to do the same.”

On Friday, March 8th, a jury in New York City unanimously found former two-term Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández guilty on all counts for his collaborations with cartel-backed traffickers.
