February 05, 2020

Rep. Torres: Senate Trial May Be a Sham, but Voters Will Render the Verdict

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) released the following statement today as Senate Republicans voted to acquit President Trump after blocking witness testimony and evidence at his impeachment trial.

"Senate Republicans had a choice – defend the rule of law, or help Trump destroy it," Rep. Torres said. "They chose to reject Congressional oversight, renege on their oath to uphold the Constitution, and ensure Donald Trump can continue abusing his powers as president. Every single senator who voted to undermine our democracy today will be branded by what they've done for the rest of their lives.

"Burying Trump's crimes won't make them go away, and the truth will continue to seep out, leak-by-leak and outrage-by-outrage," Torres continued. "Republicans turned this impeachment into a sham trial without witnesses or evidence. It's up to the American people to render the verdict in the end."
