July 29, 2022

House Passes Torres Wildfire Grid Resiliency Act as Part of Wildfire Response and Drought Legislative Package

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) applauded the passage of her bill, the Wildfire Grid Resiliency Act, as part of the Continental Divide Trail Completion Act, a legislative package aimed at addressing the wildfire and drought issues in the United States. The Congresswoman's legislation directs the Secretary of Energy to carry out a demonstration program for projects that improve electric grid resiliency with respect to wildfires. The Continental Divide Trail Completion Act is a legislative package that includes 48 bills related to wildfire, forest management, and drought. The package will boost pay and benefits for wildland firefighters, help the Forest Service fill gaps in fire management staff, and promote bigger forest management projects to reduce hazardous fuels.

"California has experienced record-breaking heat waves and wildfires, which have resulted in devastating losses of homes, communities, and ecosystems," said Congresswoman Torres. "The Wildfire Grid Resiliency Act is a step in the right direction to prevent wildfires in our state and to save American lives. It will strengthen our grid resiliency and protect our communities, and I'm glad to see it pass as part of this package."

"Having lost my own home in a fire, I know all too well the grave financial, physical, and emotional impacts that the loss of your residence poses," continued Rep. Torres. "That is why I am glad to have voted for this bill that will provide the appropriate tools and help our communities adequately prepare and avoid similar devastation."

To learn more about Rep. Torres' work energy and environment click here.
