July 10, 2024

Congresswoman Torres Statement on Committee Passage of Bipartisan 9-1-1 SAVES ACT

Washington D.C. –– Today, Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35), the sole former 9-1-1 dispatcher in Congress, issued the following statement following the unanimous passage of her bipartisan 9-1-1 Supporting Accurate Views of Emergency Services (SAVES) Act during the House Committee on Education and the Workforce markup. The bill, which has 133 bipartisan cosponsors, is co-led by Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01).

“When Americans are experiencing the worst, most life-threatening moments of their lives, 9-1-1 dispatchers answer the call – they are true first responders – and today was the first of many monumental steps to finally recognize their work for what it is,” said Congresswoman Norma Torres. “My 9-1-1 SAVES Act, which advanced out of committee today, provides a simple fix to reclassify 9-1-1 professionals as first responders at the federal level. As a former 9-1-1 dispatcher for over 17 years, I know this small change would mean a great deal to dispatchers and am thankful for the unanimous, bipartisan support my bill received today. This is not a matter that can wait as it will finally make dispatchers eligible for mental health and training grants they need and deserve. It's a change that must happen now. While I would have preferred to see my original language retained, I am pleased with today’s bipartisan vote to bring about this important, necessary change.”

The bipartisan 9-1-1 SAVES Act, H.R. 6319 is co-sponsored by over 133 bipartisan Members of Congress and with today’s unanimous passage vote in the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, will advance to the House Floor for consideration:

The full text of the 9-1-1 SAVES Act can be found here.

The bill’s summary is available here.
