March 22, 2024

Congresswoman Torres Introduces Parents and Youth Helpline Act to Expand Resources for American Families

Washington, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Norma Torres – a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee – introduced the National Parents and Youth Helpline Act. The bill would direct the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to carry out a new grant program, to establish a 24/7 helpline for parents and youth facing challenges with mental health, child welfare, substance abuse, parenting, and more. The funding would also bolster weekly, evidence-based mutual and emotional support groups and initiatives aimed at breaking the cycle of trauma and abuse.

“Too many Americans are facing overwhelming stress caused by financial uncertainty , natural disasters, housing instability, and so much more,” said Congresswoman Norma Torres. “As a member of the Appropriations Committee, I am committed to ensuring the government supports the most pressing needs for the most vulnerable among us. Mental health and other support services for families is crucial and it must be available at any hour to prevent crises. My bill ensures high-quality mental and emotional support services are widely available, especially to those who can't afford to miss a shift at work or pay the traditionally high costs of these services.”

"Families with young children are dealing with incredible stress. Yet they often have few avenues to reach out to for support until they are in crisis," said Miriam Calderón, Chief Policy Officer at ZERO TO THREE. "The National Parent and Youth Helpline Act of 2024 would ensure there is someone parents can call on to provide support and connections. ZERO TO THREE's State of Babies Yearbook: 2023 showed a clear need for this help, with many parents, especially parents having difficulty paying for basic needs, experiencing high levels of emotional distress. We appreciate Representative Torres and the cosponsors for championing this simple, yet effective evidence-based support for families and youth. When we support strong families, we help babies thrive."Zero to Three said.

“Since 1969, Parents Anonymous® has been supporting the empowerment journey of diverse families nationwide and we’ve stood strong on our mantra that Asking for Help is a Sign of Help®. Today marks a historic day, as the National Parent and Youth Helpline Act of 2024 will be introduced to Congress by Congresswoman Norma Torres. The bill aims to establish legislation to fund the National Parent & Youth Helpline which provides 24/7 evidence-based emotional support in 240+ languages to over 170 million parents, caregivers, children and youth suffering from life’s challenges. With mental health issues on the rise, immediate emotional support services are desperately needed. More specifically, there is a need for services that are culturally responsive and trauma informed without blame and shame to build on individual strengths and ensure thriving families and communities nationwide. This underlines the importance of the National Parent and Youth Helpline Act of 2024 as it will provide essential funding to a resource that can deliver this service and further aid in the current mental health crisis.” Parents Anonymous said.

Representatives Yvette Clarke (NY-09), Rep. Colin Allred (TX-32), Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC-00), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18), Rep. Raúl Grijalva (AZ-07), and Rep. Judy Chu (CA-28) are original co-sponsors of the National Parent and Youth Helpline Act. The bill has also been endorsed by Parents Anonymous, Zero to Three, and the Child Welfare League of America.

Congresswoman Torres is a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, which oversees federal funding.

To read the full bill text, click here.
