January 27, 2022

Congresswoman Norma J. Torres Calls for U.S. Department of Justice to Indict and Extradite Juan Orlando Hernandez of Honduras

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Norma Torres (CA-35) this week sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland calling for the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) to immediately indict and request the extradition of President Juan Orlando Hernandez of Honduras upon the completion of his term on January 27.

"President Hernandez has been a central figure in undermining the rule of law in his own country and in protecting and assisting drug traffickers to move their materials through Honduras and to the United States," Congresswoman Torres writes. "He has been repeatedly identified as a co-conspirator in other drug trafficking cases and has caused incredible pain to both the people of Honduras and the United States. I believe it is essential that the United States hold him accountable for his criminal behavior."

"As you know, the Biden Administration has worked to increase the rule of law, promote accountability, and strengthen democracies throughout the Americas, including in Central America," Rep. Torres continues. "It has been a difficult task, in part due to the previous Administration's inaction to anti-democratic and corrupt behaviors during their time in office. Often, criminal elites have escaped justice, and that very process has undermined peoples' faith that their own governments have their best interests in mind. I strongly believe that it would send a powerful message if the United States took these critical steps to hold President Hernandez accountable."

"It is critical that our nation hold President Hernandez accountable, so that the Honduran people can begin the process of accountability, healing, and change," Congresswoman Torres concludes. "I ask that upon the end of his term on January 27th, 2022, that President Hernandez be immediately indicted based on the already existing body of evidence, and that the Department of Justice work with the Department of State to begin the extradition process to bring him to justice here in the United States."

Congresswoman Torres is the sole Central American serving in Congress, and has tirelessly worked to promote anti-corruption, transparency, democracy, and human rights in the region.

Last year, Congresswoman Torres fought for more than $45 million in foreign assistance funding to combat corruption in Central America, and $30 million for programs to protect women and children. She introduced the bipartisan Central America Women and Children Protection Act to enshrine those protections into law. She has also worked to improve oversight of aid to the region by conditioning foreign assistance on adherence to rule of law and anti-corruption standards.

For full letter text, click here. To learn more about Rep. Torres' Central America work, click here.
