June 07, 2024

Representatives Torres and Wagner Statement on Successful Implementation of Central American Women and Children Protection Act in Honduras

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (D-CA) and Congresswoman Ann Wagner (R-MO) – released the following statement after the Department of State announced the first successful compact signed between the United States and Honduras to protect women and children in Honduras and address gender-based violence as part of the Central American Women and Children Act. Torres and Wagner introduced and secured funding for the Central American Women and Children Act legislation that protects women and children in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador from domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse, which authorized the U.S. State Department to enter into agreements with the governments of these countries.

"This is a step forward for women and children from Central America who have experienced violence and threats," said Congresswoman Torres. "It's heartening to witness the implementation of the Central American Women and Children Protection Act in Honduras. My legislation aims to put an end to the acceptance of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and neglect in the region, offering vulnerable Central Americans the stability they need to lead safe and productive lives in their home countries. I hope we can continue to see these partnerships expand throughout more countries to ensure more children and women are safe." 

"Congress took action, and now the Department of State is implementing the Central American Women and Children Protection Act with Honduras. Perpetrators of horrific crimes like domestic violence, child homicide, and sexual assault must be punished, and their victims must get the justice they deserve.  This initiative will help the women and children of Honduras have the security and safety they need to lift their communities out of poverty and build up a strong, local support system that spurs greater economic opportunity in the region. The stronger the Central American economy, the fewer immigrants who will seek to evade U.S. laws and come illegally across our southern borders.  This compact serves as an example for future initiatives and strengthens accountability for criminals, protects vulnerable populations, and provides support for a more stable nation both in Honduras, and throughout the Central American region." said Congresswoman Wagner.

Background: The Central American Women and Children Protection Act:

  • Enhances the criminal justice systems and civil protection courts in Compact Countries to establish and maintain safe communities, by expanding on existing place-based strategies to prevent and discourage violence against women and children.
  • Guarantees the safety of schools and encourages the prevention and early identification of gender-based and domestic abuse within the Compact Countries' communities.
