July 25, 2019

Torres Takes to the House Floor to Offer Guatemala a Message of Hope

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Norma J. Torres (D-CA) took to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to speak out in support of the people of Guatemala's fight for justice and democracy and against corruption ahead of the upcoming second round of presidential elections.

"The long struggle of the Guatemalan people has led to a country that is safer and more just. The country's problems are far from resolved, but progress has been made. Today, Guatemala is at a crossroads. CICIG is been forced out. The country is in the middle of an election season, but many Guatemalans fear that the current government will be replaced by a new government that is just as corrupt, or even more so. And many Guatemalans feel like they are alone. Some are losing hope," Torres said. "But to the Guatemalan people, I say this: you are not alone. You cannot give up hope."

Torres continued, "Many of us here in the United States Congress understand the challenges that you are facing. Many of us refuse to believe the lies peddled by the corrupt political class and their lobbyists. And many of us will continue to stand with you. And we will keep on fighting for your cause, because we know it is our cause too. We know that a more just and democratic Guatemala is not only in your best interest. It is in ours as well. And we know that you want for your children the same things we want for ours. I am confident that one day, Guatemala will have a government that is worthy of its people. A government that works to advance justice, not to undermine it. And one day, the United States government will once again support the fight against corruption in Guatemala. And together, as partners, we will work toward a brighter, more prosperous, and more democratic future."

Torres, the only Central American serving in Congress, is a member of the powerful House Appropriations and Rules Committees. In March, she introduced the Guatemala Rule of Law Accountability Act to authorize travel and financial sanctions against Guatemalan officials who have engaged in corruption, obstructed justice, misused U.S.-provided equipment, disobeyed Guatemalan Constitutional Court rulings, and interfered with the work of the U.S. government.

For broadcast-quality video of Torres' remarks on the House floor, click here.
