July 28, 2017

Torres Statement on Defeat of "Skinny" Repeal

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Norma J. Torres (D-Pomona) issued the following statement in response to the defeat of the Senate's most recent plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act:

"I am relieved that the Senate stopped the disastrous "skinny" repeal which would have left 16 million Americans without insurance and caused an immediate 20% increase in premiums for all Americans. The rushed, misguided, partisan approach which has consumed Congress over the last six months has never been the right answer. I have long said that the Affordable Care Act is not a perfect piece of legislation, and reforms are necessary to make the system work for everyone. I am hopeful that we can now move forward in a bipartisan way on these reforms – including market stabilization, lowering costs, and expanding coverage for the remaining 30 million Americans who still lack health care insurance. There are areas where Democrats and Republicans can find common ground and policies that can gain bipartisan support, and that is where our attention should be focused. I remain committed to working with my Republican and Democratic colleagues to move forward and make healthcare more affordable and accessible for all Americans."

Earlier this week, Rep. Torres joined 88 other House Democrats in sending a letter to Speaker Ryan urging him to work with Democrats on a series of common-sense policy proposals to stabilize the healthcare market. The text of the letter can be found HERE.