January 22, 2018

Torres Responds to Yet Another Republican Stop-Gap Funding Bill

WASHINGTON, DC—Today, Rep. Norma J. Torres (D-CA) released the following statement on Republicans' fourth short-term spending resolution four months into Fiscal Year 2018:

"I voted NO on this fourth short-term funding bill because an empty promise is not a commitment to stay and work through the budget. There's no assurance that we won't be here in a couple of weeks in the same spot when this temporary funding expires again. This 17-day extension leaves us with just four full working days to resolve so many outstanding issues for the American people—that is simply not enough time to get anything meaningful done. If Republicans truly cared about the American people and funding our government, then they would have cancelled all upcoming events and ordered members to stay and work on a bipartisan deal.

"Any meaningful deal would include protections for Dreamers, a permanent solution for CHIP and the community health care clinics they depend on, funding for recovery efforts for natural disasters, and ensuring that our service members and veterans have the resources they need. Even Defense Secretary James Mattis has remarked on the harm that operating under continuing resolutions inflicts on the readiness of our military. Every single one of these issues require our full immediate attention and I stand ready and willing to work with my colleagues across the aisle to bring stability, strength, and security to our country."

Media Contact:
Edgar D. Rodríguez