March 25, 2015

Torres on Passage of FY16 Budget

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Norma Torres (D-CA) issued the following statement on the passage of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Resolution in the House of Representatives:
I came to Congress to work on legislation that promotes our nation's and the Inland Empire's long-term economic growth, and I am disappointed that the Republican budget considered today would reverse our economic progress. I believe a budget should reflect our national priorities and promote ideas like investing in education, modernizing our infrastructure, and reforming the tax code to help middle class families. Instead, this Republican budget plays a dangerous game with America's future.
While I am committed to making college more affordable for students in the Inland Empire, this Republican budget cuts Pell Grants for over one million California young people. As our workforce adapts to changing conditions, we can't afford to cut job training and employment services or to eliminate the Manufacturing Enhancement Partnership, which helps small to medium-sized firms compete more effectively. We should, as the Democratic alternative did, extend tax deductions for small businesses and encourage the Small Business Administration to address the funding challenges facing many small businesses so that they can expand and create new jobs. I am also proud to stand with seniors to protect and preserve Medicare, and will oppose any attempts to turn this program into a voucher system.
As my record in the state legislature shows, I am no stranger to making difficult budget choices. The budget before us today however, is misguided and irresponsible, and will halt the progress the Inland Empire has made in finally working our way out of the recession. Congress must work to foster economic growth and prosperity by making college more affordable, modernizing our nation's infrastructure, and supporting hard-working American families.
Rep. Torres represents California's 35th Congressional District and serves on the House Natural Resources and Homeland Security Committees.