July 15, 2020

Torres Focuses on I.E. Expansion in Transportation, Housing Appropriations

WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) passed multiple provisions to boost housing and transportation development in the Inland Empire as part of the must-pass FY21 Transportation and Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations bill.

Rep. Torres sits on the powerful House Appropriations Committee, which is responsible for allocating all federal spending.

"The Inland Empire is both a rapidly expanding community and the beating heart of commerce for the entire western United States – we need federal policies that connect residents with transportation opportunities and ensure our logistics industry operates smoothly," Rep. Torres said. "The provisions I included in the FY21 THUD Appropriations bill will keep our community moving forward, even as coronavirus brings the global economy to a halt. From conveniently located public transportation, to local strategic planning, to ensuring ONT has the qualified and well-trained staff it needs to serve as the vital commerce hub that it is – this bill delivers what our community needs."

Torres' provisions to the FY21 Transportation and Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations bill include:

Transit-Oriented Development:
Federal agencies will provide non-binding guidance on land use policies that coordinate housing and transportation developments, ensuring more affordable housing near transportation hubs. Rep. Torres also negotiated for $15 million to fund a Transit-Oriented Development pilot program.

Regional Infrastructure Accelerator:
Rep. Torres secured $12 million for a Regional Infrastructure Accelerator program, which assists state and local governments in developing strategic plans and maximizing investments.

Ensuring Access to Housing Assistance:
Rep. Torres included a provision that bans a Trump Administration rule prohibiting mixed-status families from accessing housing assistance.

Continuum of Care Program:
Rep. Torres helped secure $2.58 billion for the Continuum of Care program – a more-than $100 million increase from last year. The funding will support regional and local planning bodies to coordinate housing and other services for homeless families and individuals.

Aviation Workforce Development:
Rep. Torres included $5 million for an Aviation Maintenance Technician Development program and $5 million more for an Aviation Workforce Development program.

Clean Vehicle Projects:
Rep. Torres included a provision preventing the Trump Administration from stalling approvals of clean vehicle projects.

Truck Size & Weight:
Rep. Torres included a provision directing the Department of Transportation to wait for specific and relevant research before considering any national changes to truck length or weight policy.
