May 08, 2018

Torres, Cole Bipartisan Bill to Ignite Economic Development Throughout Indian Country Clears Key Committee, Heads to House Floor for a Vote

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Reps. Norma J. Torres (D-CA) and Tom Cole (R-OK) announced that the House Committee on Natural Resources passed their bipartisan Jobs for Tribes Act, paving the way for a vote on the House floor. The bill would strengthen Indian Country's ability to become more self-sufficient by providing urgently needed business and economic development assistance.

"While the nation just hit unemployment levels below four percent, the same cannot be said for Indian Country," said Torres. "Our bill would bring us one step closer to ensuring that our Indian tribal business owners and communities can tap into their economic potential and have the same opportunities to succeed afforded to any other local or state government. As the bill now moves onto a vote in the full House, I will continue to push for policies that advance the self-determination and self-sufficiency of tribal nations."

"Native Americans are strong contributors to our economy, and I am proud to support this legislation that will help advance entrepreneurship, self-sufficiency and commercial growth," said Cole. "This bill will support Native American communities with the tools and assistance they need to achieve success in the business sector. I look forward to supporting it on the House Floor for a vote."

Native Americans face high rates of poverty and unemployment in Indian Country. This is primarily due to the lack of infrastructure and access to capital for Indian tribes, which are not recognized as governmental entities under federal tax and other regulatory laws. By failing to acknowledge Indian tribes as an authorized governing body, tribes' ability to benefit from investment incentives accorded to state and local governments are blocked. The Jobs for Tribes Act would support Indian Country's ability to become more self-reliant and help tribes tap into their entrepreneurial spirit by providing urgently needed business and economic development assistance to American Indian and Alaska Native communities, their enterprises and businesses.

The legislation also requires the development of a strategy for the promotion and facilitation of increased trade between Native American tribes and indigenous peoples of the Western hemisphere. The bill is supported by the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development, National Congress of American Indians, Native American Contractors Association, Coalition of Large Tribes, United and South Eastern Tribes, and Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians.

Torres is a member of the powerful Rules Committee and Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Budget Task Force. She previously served as Ranking Member on the Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs Subcommittee on the House Committee on Natural Resources, the subcommittee which oversees all matters regarding Native Americans.