January 10, 2017

Torres Appointed to Foreign Affairs Committee

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced that Rep. Norma J. Torres (D-CA) would be appointed to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

"As a representative from California, a state that is home to people from all over the world, I am honored to have the opportunity to serve on the Foreign Affairs Committee and to work alongside Chairman Royce, Ranking Member Engel, and my Democratic and Republican colleagues as we promote efforts to encourage global cooperation and advance U.S. leadership abroad," said Torres. "Never before has the United States' role on the global stage been more important, and the decisions made in this committee in the coming Congress will have a direct and significant impact on our nation's security and economic well-being."

Torres, who was born in Guatemala, is currently serving her second term in Congress. She is the founder and co-chairperson of the Central America Caucus, a bipartisan group of over 30 members that seeks to enhance understanding of Central America within Congress and provide a forum for Members of Congress and their staff to discuss U.S. policy toward the region.

"I look forward to using this new position to continue my efforts to strengthen U.S. engagement throughout the Western Hemisphere," continued Torres. "This is a region that has long been neglected. However, as we have seen with the child migrant crisis and with the detention in Central America of a small but not insignificant number of U.S.-bound migrants from countries that may pose a security threat, this neglect can have very real consequences for our own country. Over the next term, I hope to build on the work started by Congress on a bipartisan basis and to continue to be a strong advocate for U.S. investment and leadership in promoting economic development, security, and rule of law in the region."

In the previous Congress, Torres served on the Committee on Homeland Security and the Committee on Natural Resources.
