October 11, 2019

Reps. Torres, Engel, McGovern, and Sires Joint Statement on CICIES

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, U.S. Representative Norma Torres (CA-35), founder and Co-Chair of the Central America Caucus, Representative Eliot L. Engel (NY-16), Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Representative Jim McGovern (MA-8), Chairman of the Committee on Rules, and Representative Albio Sires (NJ-8), Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, issued the following statement:

"We welcome Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele's commitment to establishing an independent International Commission against Impunity in El Salvador (CICIES) under the auspices of the United Nations and the Organization of American States.

"We encourage the Government of El Salvador to incorporate the lessons learned from the successful experiences of both the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) and the Mission to Support the Fight against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (MACCIH). In particular, the body should seek to replicate CICIG's investigative strength and MACCIH's strong emphasis on prevention and citizen oversight.

"Despite the differences between the two bodies, each has been effective in promoting anti-corruption reforms, strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, and exposing high-level corruption. CICIES can strengthen the institutional capacity of the police and Attorney General's office through the creation of or collaboration with units specialized in corruption, financial crimes, and human rights violations. Likewise, it is critical that CICIES be politically independent but with strong oversight, preferably from multilateral institutions. Finally, civil society involvement in the design of CICIES, as well as citizen oversight over its operations, is essential. If the Salvadoran government is successful in incorporating these best practices into CICIES, we are confident that it would receive significant international support."