May 31, 2020

Rep. Torres Responds to George Floyd Protests

POMONA, CA – Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) released the following statement as protests over George Floyd's murder in police custody continue in the Inland Empire and across the country:

"As a former 911 dispatcher, I experienced many traumatic episodes, but the video of George Floyd's death was as bad as anything I've heard," Rep. Torres said. "We didn't see law enforcement on that recording – we saw murder. And while charges are now filed against one of the former officers involved, three others stood by and watched him claim an innocent life. They must face justice too. That's why so many people – not just across this country, but across the world – are speaking out in anger. Many more want to participate in peaceful demonstrations but were not able to join a protest. I urge those people to join me starting tonight in turning your porch light on at 6pm to stand in solidarity with the Floyd family.

"I worked the dispatch line during the Rodney King riots – I fully understand the anger that people are feeling right now," Torres continued. "But as someone who lost a home in a fire, I also know the anguish that the owners of mom-and-pop shops are feeling right now as their business lies in ashes. We must deliver justice without bringing more violence to our streets.

"To that end, I am organizing a virtual meeting in the days ahead for Inland Empire residents to speak directly to me," Torres added. "From law enforcement to clergy, teachers to elected officials, everyone has a role to play in restoring peace and trust in our justice system. I look forward to the conversation as we all strive for justice for the Floyd family and meaningful change to our society."
