September 02, 2020

Rep. Torres Responds to Change in Command Following Army Base Murders

POMONA – Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) released the following statement today responding to news that Maj. Gen. Scott Efflandt, commander of the U.S. Army's Fort Hood, is being removed from his position and will no longer assume command of a division at Fort Bliss.

The move follows months of outrage as two Ft. Hood soldiers went missing and were later found murdered, a prostitution ring was shut down on the base, and a number of soldiers have recently died by suicide.

Congresswoman Torres, who has led the charge in recent months for accountability after her constituent, Chino-native Spc. Enrique Roman-Martinez, disappeared and was discovered murdered under similarly suspicious circumstances, released the following statement:

"Maj. Gen. Efflandt's removal appears to be the first glimmer of accountability for catastrophic failures in leadership that are utterly unforgiveable," Rep. Torres said. "While Maj. Gen. Efflandt lost his position, the families who entrusted their loved ones to his command lost far more than he can ever give back. The American people expect our military to set an example for the rest of society – the culture of lawlessness that we've seen instead in recent months must end immediately, and today's dismissal is a good first step."
