October 12, 2017

Rep. Torres Issues Statement on Trump Threats to Abandon Puerto Rico Recovery Effort

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Norma J. Torres (CA-35) issued the following statement in response to President Trump's latest threat to abandon the Puerto Rico recovery effort:

"The threats against Puerto Rico by President Trump this morning are galling, and fail the basic test of who we are as Americans. We do not abandon Americans during their time in need – be it on the battlefield or following a natural disaster. The President may not understand the devastation and suffering of Americans in Puerto Rico, but the federal role in rebuilding the island is not close to complete. Today, Congress will vote on a disaster assistance package to assist the island, but this rebuilding effort will take years, not months. I urge the President to recognize and embrace his crucial role in the lifesaving efforts on the island so that more lives are not lost."