December 18, 2019

New American Caucus Votes to Impeach

WASHINGTON, DC – New American Caucus Co-Chairs, Reps. Norma J. Torres (CA-35) and Adriano Espaillat (NY-13), were joined with caucus members in releasing the following statements after the caucus members unanimously voted to impeach President Donald J. Trump.

The President, who withheld much-needed military aid from Ukraine to coerce them into investigating Trump's perceived political rival, was charged with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

As first-generation Americans, the lawmakers bring a unique perspective to the standing the United States holds on the global stage, and the damage President Trump's actions have done to American credibility around the world.

Congresswoman Norma J. Torres, Co-Chair of the New American Caucus:

"The rule of law is what gives our country its strength, and we can't afford to let that fade away or allow corruption to take hold. I voted to for impeachment today because President Trump's actions threatened our national security and undermined our elections. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to this corruption because if left alone, it will only spread. American values and our Constitution are worth fighting for, and that's exactly what we did today."

Congressman Adriano Espaillat (NY-13), Co-Chair of the New American Caucus:

"Donald John Trump's abuse of power is a clear and present danger to our democracy and national security interests. He jeopardized our national security for his personal gain and put himself before our country and the people we each took an oath to protect and serve. President Trump betrayed his oath to defend the Constitution of the United States and he has defied the public's trust. We take today's actions to impeach Trump very seriously and his abuse of power associated with his office has left us with no other choice than to impeach him. Today, we are standing united to uphold the law and to restore trust in our nation's government by the American people."

Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA-24)

"While none of us came to Congress to impeach a president, the evidence against Donald Trump has become abundantly clear. The president used the power of his office to solicit foreign interference in our elections and threaten our national security, all for his own political benefit. Moreover, he directed his administration to defy congressional subpoenas to try to block our investigation into his wrongdoing. I voted to impeach because all of us who hold public office take an oath to defend the Constitution—the president has abused this responsibility, but I refuse to do the same."

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07)

"When I was just 16 years old, I came to this country by myself. My parents made the ultimate sacrifice of placing an ocean between them and their beloved child – because they believed America was worth it. Nearly two decades later, I raised my hand and swore my oath to country and Constitution for the first time when I became a citizen of the greatest nation on earth. For naturalized citizens like me, being an American is a conscious choice and a granted privilege, a dream we chase across deserts and seas to join the larger American story; one of generations overcoming every challenge and every obstacle – because America is worth it. The facts in front of us are clear. President Donald J. Trump leveraged critically needed, Congressionally approved military aid to Ukraine in order to coerce this fragile, foreign ally to investigate his political opponent and interfere in our elections. He abused the power of his office and obstructed Congress. Our founders entrusted us with the awesome responsibility of protecting our democracy, which gets its power not from the bloodlines of monarchs but from the votes of ‘We, the People.' Without that, we are no longer a democracy, we are a monarchy or a dictatorship. And so today, I voted to impeach Donald J. Trump. Mine was not a vote against any person; it was a vote for the Constitution and for ‘We, the People.' Because America is so deeply worth it."

Congressman Jesus "Chuy" Garcia (IL-04)

"I voted to impeach President Trump to do right by my constituents, the future of our democracy, and to uphold the rule of law and my oath to defend the Constitution. The facts are clear. President Trump abused his power to bribe another country for his own personal and political gain. He obstructed Congressional investigations by instructing his accomplices to ignore compulsory calls to testify before Congress. No matter how he tries to spin it, President Trump violated the Constitution and must be held accountable.

The Congressional New Americans Caucus is comprised of first-generation immigrants and provides a forum to educate all Members of Congress about issues related to New Americans and public service. In the 116th Congress, the most diverse Congress in history, Caucus members hail from Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, India, Taiwan, Ecuador, Somalia, and Cuba, among other countries.
