September 19, 2020

Justice Must be Served: Torres Urges Public for Information as Gunman who Attacked LA Co. Deputies Remains at Large after a Week

POMONA – Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) released the following statement today urging the public for information as a week transpired since two Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputies were ambushed by a gunman while sitting in their squad car in Compton.

While one of the Deputies has since been released from the hospital, a 31-year-old mother remains in the intensive care unit.

The assailant remains at large, and investigators are seeking a key witness seen on the video tape.

Rep. Torres released the following statement:

"One week without justice is a week too long. I urge anyone with information about the horrific attack from last weekend to immediately contact law enforcement and help bring this would-be killer to justice.

"A six-year-old boy watched his mother leave for work last weekend, and right now he's still waiting for her to come home. His mother is fighting for her chance to see him again right now, and her brothers and sisters who walk the thin blue line are fighting to bring her attacker to justice.

"I am relieved beyond words that her partner is now home with his family, and I pray that she will soon be too. My thoughts and prayers are with both of them and their loved ones as they recover, but the trauma they experienced will be with them for the rest of their lives, and whoever caused it must to held accountable.

"We cannot allow violence to foment on our streets, and we cannot allow the men and women who risk their lives to protect us to be gunned down without consequence. Someone out there knows who did this, and whoever they are, they hold justice for these families in their hands. To know and remain silent is to be an accessory to this horrific crime, but to come forward is to honor the heroism these deputies showed every day they protected our community."
